
The Estate of Jerry Pournelle has set up a new web site for discussions at http://www.jerrypournelle.com/sciencefiction/ , and a new FaceBook group. All of the details are here: http://www.jerrypournelle.com/sciencefiction/2024/01/06/pournelle-estate-launches-new-site-and-facebook-group/ . Subscribe on the new site to get email notices of … read more



I’m afraid that Jerry passed away
We had a great time at DragonCon
He did not suffer.

Condolences to his family and friends.

Readers may use the Well-Wishing page for remembrances. read more


So the big news last week was the giant attack by the Mirai malware/botson Dyn that effectively killed (well, seriously wounded) the Internet for a lot of people. And that the “Internet of Things” (IoT) was the source of the … read more


You might have noticed, although there aren’t too many visitors to ChaosManor Reviews (CMR), some problems accessing the site this month (Sept 2016). The site would not load at all, usually due to a timeout of the request to load … read more



We are pleased to present a new Computing at Chaos Manor column from Dr. Jerry Pournelle. His recent experiences with Outlook, Word, and using his computer after his stroke are instructive as always. – Editor I like Outlook and Word. … read more


Eric Pobirs, a Chaos Manor Advisor, details his build of a new computer system for Chaos Manor. As is traditional, this new computer has been cleverly named, and has some well-thought-out components. As usual, any project has a few glitches along the way, but the end result is worth the effort. read more



I have another Windows 10 tip that seems to be a hot topic in help forums but doesn’t have a consistent fix.

The problem I had was I tried to bring up the default Windows calculator, and it wouldn’t run. Since I had fiddled with the default Windows 10 apps before, I figured I just needed to re-install the calculator app. When that failed… read more



One of the Chaos Manor Advisors saw an article about a new kind of incandescent bulb that was brighter than normal bulbs. That provoked a discussion among the Advisors… read more